Computer geek, and self-appointed know-it-all, Westley Annis answers all those hard 

questions about anything related to computers and technology, as well as business and 

political questions.

Hide Your Online Presence on Facebook

Is there anyway to be on Facebook and not have people know that you are online?
I can't go on there and make even the simplest of posts without a "certain few" wanting to chat with me. If there is not a way to do this, is it ok etiquette to just ignore them?

Michael L.

Question asked on February 24, 2010 at :47 PM :: Comments to date: 0

MovableType is Killing My Scripts

When I include some JavaScript code into one my blog entries, even with Text Formatting turned off, MovableType is still add
tags. How can I stop this?

Question asked on January 22, 2007 at :16 PM :: Comments to date: 0

Sharing a DSL or Other Broadband Connection

I have a Dell computer that is 4 years old which is working fine. I just bought a new Dell so the grandkids who live at my house can have their own to use. I have a BelLSouth DSL Internet connection and would like to know how difficult it would be to (or if it could be done at all) to put the old computer on the same DSL line instead of having to get another connection for it. As you can guess I am an old maw-maw and don't have great knowledge about computers. Any help would be appreciated.

Question asked on August 22, 2006 at :36 PM :: Comments to date: 0

What is the easiest way to create an online photo album?

I want to make an online photo album! What is the easiest way to do so?

Question asked on October 2, 2005 at :19 PM :: Comments to date: 0

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